A downloadable asset pack

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Inspired by games such as Diablo II & Halls Of Torment.



  • This asset pack can be used in both free and commercial projects.
  • You can modify it to suit your own needs.
  • You may not redistribute or resell, even if modified.

If you come across issues or need help, please contact me. Thanks! :)



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Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(42 total ratings)
AuthorPupkin Assets
Tags2D, animated, diablo, Dungeon Crawler, Isometric, Retro, Roguelike, Skeletons, Sprites, Top-Down


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

(DEMO) Lords Of Pain - Old School Isometric Assets.zip 7.1 MB
Lords Of Pain - Old School Isometric Assets.zip 109 MB
if you pay £2.99 GBP or more

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hey i just bought your asset please can u tell me the ground tileset is 256x256 but the char is 20 pixel and not so sharp can u help me with the scale to look optimat the tile and player? Thank u

Heidi Ho,

So, I clicked the download and it only shows the demo pack. Where can I get the full asset pack?

It's just below the demo file, here's a quick screenshot;

Cheers :)

Thank you :)

For this asset should I use Unity 2d or 3d project? Also, should I use tile mapping for the environment?

I'd recommend a 2d project, and non-tilemap. This was the same method I followed to create the demonstration you see in the images/animated gifs, which had been recorded gameplay from my project file.

Great asset pack! Any plans for expansion packs or additional content in the same style? Would love to see more! Do you have any timeline for future releases if you're planning them?

Future releases in this particular style aren't in the works right now, at least not until I finish working on a couple projects I'm currently juggling. That being said, I'd love to expand on the style in the future.

I like to ask, in the animated images, are those actual gameplay from a prototype? if so is it available?

The project file itself is lost to time sadly.

It is gameplay, but was built with demonstrational purposes.

Ah I see

am I able to pay in USD?

Of course, that's totally fine.

Thanks for your interest :D

Amazing project! Can you release the 3D files?

Thank you! Throw an email to trevor-pupkin@protonmail.com and I'll pass the files your way :)

Also keep a lookout for my upcoming 3D survival-horror asset pack which is landing very very soon! It'll launch with the original 3D files containing over 170 unique assets.

It's gonna be fun to play around with, I put in a little extra as I think your price is a bit too low ;)

Woah! Thank you so much. I really appreciate the support; this made my day :)

This looks really cool, would you take submissions for the assets?

Thank you! Of course, feel free to suggest submissions for this asset pack. I'm currently working on a large-scale 3D asset pack, so updates will be slow until it's finished :)

Hi! Great Assets, really like the look! Any ideas or workflow suggestions to get different armor looks on the characters - probably would need the models to get the 16directions right? Or do you have something planned as just drawing them would take a virtual eternity ^^

Hey thanks for stopping by! That's right you'd need the models to effectively achieve that, drawing them would indeed take an eternity. Currently there are no plans on adding different armour sets to the playable characters, although I wouldn't completely rule it out. Once I've finished working on an upcoming survivor horror asset pack, I'll have some time to experiment with it.

Awesome! now im interested even more in the survival horror asset pack :D damn, looking forward to it. 

(1 edit)

wish i had the skillset to actually make use of these assets , theyre amazing looking. Def following incase down the road i can ever make use of it.

what engine did you use in the gifs for the in use demonstration. 

For the demonstrations I used Construct 3. Initially I utilized Unreal Engine but decided that a 2D engine was the efficient choice.

Jump in and make mistakes, you'll get there in no time mate!

I appreciate the kind words :)

Hey, I sent you an email. (NewGenArts) Just a beginner in the field of gamedevs. Waiting for your reply.

(P.s. amazing artwork)

Hey, what your software for create this nice stuff art ?

For modelling, UV unwrapping, rigging, animation and rendering, I use Blender. For textures, I use Photoshop. :)

Any tutorials on making isometric tiles/assets in Blender to get started you'd like to recommend please?

I would recommend studying assets from the early Diablo games and Halls of Torment. I didn't follow any tutorials during this process, mainly went by eye.

Side note; one thing you should do differently is to render the assets in Unreal Engine instead of Blender. This method would have saved much time and effort.

EvilReFlex's discord channel is a great place if you need tips with Unreal Engine asset rendering.

Could you explain this more? I've been rendering iso sprites in blender for years and always feel like I'm fighting with blender the whole time. What makes UE better at this? Is there some automation available that makes this way easier?

Thanks in advance if you read this :)

(1 edit)

Unreal offers tools like sequencers and automated console commands that make batch processing of iso sprites more efficient. If you have basic knowledge with C++ or Blueprints, you can program workflows that drastically reduce the time and effort required to render and export isometric assets that save significant time compared to Blender’s often cumbersome readjustments.

Similar to this: 

Are you gonna add any ranged enemies? Skeleton with a bow perhaps?

Highly likely the next content update to this pack.

I love this asset!!, can you please add a rogue class in the future?

Absolutely, and thank you!

This looks beautiful!

Thank you very much!

(2 edits)

Looking forward to seeing new enemies in the update. Consider slightly improving the quality of images in full package if possible.

An upcoming 'Demon Lord' boss enemy will be ready very soon :)

yeah i agree , the quality is pretty low

well, sprites are 256px x 256px but the character it self is 20px :)

Showing what looks to be a render of some low-poly 3d characters at the top of this page, while the player characters in the full asset pack are actually an undiscernible pixel sprite with dimensions of around 24 x 40 pixels is somewhat misleading and pretty dissapointin

Sorry you feel that way. I've already added a free demo version since the  very start for potential customers' interest...

One of the coolest packs I've seen. To give my two cents - I would love to see you consider the idea that both sides could be controlled by players..

Much appreciated! Great suggestion. Currently I'm working on a free boss character update, which should be available pretty soon :)

Can you make more enemies?

Absolutely, as soon as I've finished working on an upcoming asset pack I'll go ahead and provide additional content to Lords of Pain.

Great! more enemies, boss with animation thank! (5 or 10$ per pack is great)

Glad to see a new update, keep on the excellent work.

Thanks! :)

На каком движке игрушку делаете

I am using Blender 3.4 :)

Wow, that's funny

你好!我最近不方便使用palpal,能否把这个资源上架到 assetstore.unity.com

(1 edit)

There should be an alternative option; "Pay with Card".

Send me a email if you're having further issues.


Thanks for checking out the asset pack!

(2 edits)


This is amazing. I will buy this pack soon.

Thank you so much!

In the demo pack, the idle animation is provided as a single frame only. Does the full version include idle animation or is it a static idle?

Idles are rendered as a single frame, Demo and Full.

(1 edit)

I understand thank you

Can I use It For My Game Dud its Amazing As hell

Thanks! Of course you can, anybody is welcome to. :)

Looks amazing! Some more enemies (some flying, some minis) would be great!

Thank you! I'll bear those in mind for a future update :)

I'd just like to add a +1 to that! Just bought the pack, even some simple enemies would be huge :D Pack is fantastic, thanks for making it!

I'll be sure to conjure a new enemy by the coming weekend :)

I appreciate the support!

Thank you so much!

Bloody amazing, do you plan on doing some additional content ? ( I mean other asset packs sharing the same art style )

(1 edit)

That's right. Other than adding to this asset pack, I will most likely be releasing PSX inspired environments along with fully animated characters...

These are absolutely amazing.


Is it possible to get the sprites without shadows? I want to do an outline shader, but the shadows are throwing it off.

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I'll make sure to add this in a content update.

This asset pack kicks ass, I love it

thanks! :)

this is awesome!

thank you!